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Are you looking for the best lifejacket for the Fastnet race 2023?

Have you signed up for the RORC Fastnet Race 2023 and are looking for the best lifejacket?

All the Personal Equipment Requirements for the 2023 RORC Fastnet Race can be found here - See SECTION 5 - PERSONAL EQUIPMENT.

Each crew member will be required to have a lifejacket in accordance with ISO 12402-3, Spinlock life jackets the Deckvest VITO and Deckvest 6D both meet these requirements.

Your lifejacket must have the following:

Crotch strap  ✔ 
Safety harness  ✔
Whistle  ✔
Lifting loop  ✔
Retro-reflective material  ✔
SOLAS approved lifejacket light  ✔
Spray hood  ✔
Space in the neck to clearly mark with name (wearer or yacht)  ✔

We have you covered! The Deckvest VITO and Deckvest 6D are packed full of all the features you need and most importantly are easy to wear for long periods offshore:

  • Spinlock lifejackets have a comfortable crotch strap, 40mm wide and easy to operate with gloved hands.

  • The Deck Harness is integrated into the Deckvest and you clip on using the soft loop.

  • The whistle is orange and attached to the oral tube and can be accessed on inflation.

  • Spinlock’s lifting loop is bright red with the words ‘lift here’ written on it, and is attached to the inflatable part of the lifejacket and can be accessed on inflation.

  • The lifejacket bladder has SOLAS approved retro reflective material.

  • The Spinlock Pylon is a SOLAS approved lifejacket light.

  • The spray hood activates on inflation and can be pulled over the head using a black webbing.

  • The back panel of the lifejacket has a printed area which can be written on to mark with a name.

For the Fastnet race you will also need to add-on or carry with you:

•  Spare re-arming kit here.

•  ISO 12401 Safety Line. Crew are required to have either a short + long tether or 3-point tether We recommend the DW-STR/03/C here.

•  Knife – this can be carried in a Spinlock Chest Pack, the pack can also hold your PLB.

Pro Tip: It is recommended that the 275N is not worn as it may hamper entry into life rafts and is much less easy to manoeuvre in a MOB situation. 

Any questions? Ask the Spinlock team: prosupport@spinlock.co.uk.

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